Shargiin uul
The "Shargiin uul" (XV-022048) of 10778.7 ha is located in Undurshil and Gurvansaikhan soums of Dundgobi aimag, is at distance of 410 km south east of Ulaanbaatar, 127 km south east of Dundgobi aimag center, 37 km south east of Gurvansaikhan soum center and 46 km western of Undurshil. And it is located 128 km of the central road connecting the southern provinces.
Project information | |
License No.: | XV-022048 |
Name: | Shargiin uul |
Type: | Co |
Status: | Exploration license |
Owner: | MCPG LLC |
Area /ha/: | 10778,7 |
• Survey route covered 218 t/km
• Laboratory analysis of 99 samples
• Laboratory analysis of 99 samples

Shargiin uul Project