Olongiin Ukhaa deposit
The "Ikh" (XV-019064) 5727.97 ha exploration license was converted on October 17, 2017 by the decision No. 617 of the Head of the Cadastre Department of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority into the mining license No. MV-020953 with 860.5 ha area. The “Ikh” brown coal deposit locates 447 km from Ulaanbaatar, 10 km west of the Ikhkhet soum and 150 km from Dornogovi aimag center.
Project information | |
License No.: | MV-020953 |
Name: | Olongiin Ukhaa |
Type: | Coal |
Status: | Mining license |
Owner: | Uyanga Ongi LLC |
Area /ha/: | 860.5 |
2016-2017 performance
- Survey route covered 12 t/km
- Magnetic survey 575 t/km
- Drilling, 2148 t/m
- Topographic survey covered 1600 ha
- 23 boreholes
- Borehole logging at 1593.5 t/m
- 220 samples submitted to a laboratory analysis

Olongiin Ukhaa project
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